Such an approach could be particularly beneficial for targeting nano- and microparticles or imaging probes which can exert shear forces onto binding interfaces. Acknowledgments This work was supported by the University of Basel, ETH Zurich, an ERC Starting Grant (MMA-715207), the NCCR in Molecular Systems Engineering, and the Swiss National Science Foundation (Project 200021_175478). The S3I-201 (NSC 74859) authors thank Peter Schultz for providing the pEVOL-pAzF plasmid and Lloyd Ruddock for providing the pMJS205 plasmid. with Fg peptide conjugated to the selected anchor point was added to the measurement buffer to a final concentration of 1 1 M, which saturated immobilized CTLA-4 on the surface. SdrG on the cantilever was brought to the surface, forming a three-member complex consisting of cantilever-immobilized SdrG bound to Fg-anticalin, which was itself bound to CTLA-4. The SdrG:Fg complexes can withstand forces as high as 2 nN,42 and the significantly weaker anticalin:CTLA-4 complex was the first to break when the cantilever was retracted, leaving the Fg conjugated anticalin on the cantilever. The moderate equilibrium affinity of SdrG bound to Fg (direction by 0.75 nm and in the negative direction by 0.2 nm. However, when pulling anticalin from residue 60, the anticalin COM stayed close to its original position, translating slightly in the positive (0.1 nm) and negative directions (0.2 nm). These differences suggest a scenario where pulling from the N-terminus results in a peeling behavior of anticalin while pulling from position 60 results in a well-aligned system that cooperatively breaks without translation. Analysis of the translation of the anticalin COM was carried out for each anchor residue under pulling simulations (Figure S10). These plots show that the COM translation behavior is distinct for each anchor point. The lowest stability anchor point tested experimentally (residue no. 143) shows a broad distribution of translation values for anticalin COMs at direction. The CTLA-4 was used as a reference system to define the normal plane. The blue circle denotes the starting anticalin COM position and the red one its translation along the ?direction at = 0 and = plane IL22 antibody which is perpendicular to the direction of symmetry of the complex. (D) The -sheet structure of the anticalin and its color representation. (E and F) The intrachain native contact (NC) evolution for anticalin computed for each -sheet during the pulling process. Severe loss of contacts affects the anticalin for pulling residue 1 (E), whereas almost no loss of NC is reported for anchor residue 60 (F). The color line is in agreement with panel D. The second computational analysis was to analyze the loss of native contacts (NCs) in different regions of anticalin. When pulling from residue 1, NCs were steadily lost in N-terminal -strands S1, S2, S3, as well as S6 prior to rupture (Figure ?Figure33E). However, when pulling from residue 60, few to no intramolecular NCs were lost in anticalin (Figure ?Figure33F). The anticalin COM shift is more pronounced S3I-201 (NSC 74859) when several anticalin -sheets lose some of the stabilizing NCs (Figure S11). Our analysis of the intrachain NCs suggests that breaking NCs in the -strands makes the anticalin more flexible and its COM samples new positions through different pathways. Furthermore, pathways involving partial unfolding processes and severe loss of NCs were observed for anchor residues 1 and 21 (Figure S11). The NCs on the binding interface also behave differently S3I-201 (NSC 74859) depending on the pulling geometry (Table S4 and Figure S12). The interface NCs were lost at different rates with different pulling geometries, and the number of remaining interface NCs at 0.05) with the rupture force measured both and (Figure S13). In addition, a few nonnative contacts (about five, see Figure S12) are established after the rupture. However, the new S3I-201 (NSC 74859) proteinCprotein interactions established during the dissociation trajectory were not strong enough to maintain the bound complex. Based on the simulation analyses, we conclude that the persistence of the original set of interface NCs, the translation of the anticalin COM, and the loss of -strand structure explain the geometric dependency of the mechanical properties of the complex. Discussion We reported an AFM-SMFS study S3I-201 (NSC 74859) where we covalently clicked.