Kang YH, Park J-E, Yu L-R, Soung N-K, Yun S-M, Bang JK, Seong Y-S, Yu H, Garfield S, Veenstra TD, Lee KS. an alanine (S/A alternative) typically abrogates binding.4 We observed that S/A variants, 7(S4A) and LOR-253 8(S4A), showed a significant loss of affinity relative to the corresponding parent peptides (Supporting Information Number S9). This […]
IMiDs treatment impacts the MM cell/microenvironment interaction by decreasing cell surface expression of adhesion molecules, modulating cytokine and growth factor secretion, and inhibiting angiogenesis (24). with high-risk features and poor survival. in MM confer immunosuppression, they similarly represent ideal targets for novel therapeutics. Immune dysfunction not only confers MM cell growth and resistance to therapy, […]